Glenn Brown Quote

As a follow up to the recent Blogwatchers post about artists that influence your work, I decided to talk a bit about this quote from Glenn Brown who was one of the artists I cited. The quote is in the image above but I am going to type it here in case the pic has technical difficulty at any point.

"I tend to think of the exhibitions I do as a loose accumulation of paintings with no single theme - like a variety show.  A comedy act, a magician, dancing girls, a ventriloquist, and of course a good impressionist make, I think, a reasonable show.  In other words, no; this exhibition, as with all the shows I have had so far, has no title." - Glenn Brown

I find this way of thinking about an exhibition to be completely counter-intuitive to the way I think about a show.  I wanted to include this as a connection to the Blogwatchers post because It underscores the influence an artist can have on a variety of aspects within your practice. When I came across this quote, I was thinking about an exhibition (one with Travis Townsend at Murray State University) and trying to line out which works to include. I had a feeling of wanting to include work that didn't relate quite as well as other shows that I have done. So in some ways, while I am not sure Glenn Brown influences my painting, I am pretty sure this quote had an impact on the paintings I chose to include in Murray.

The Blogwatchers will be taking this topic on in a few weeks, the question being "Describe how you organize an exhibition from start to finish?  How do you "put it" together?"